Food Models

breadloaf_simplebreadloaf_simple 10k (simple loaf of bread)
breadslicebreadslice 3k (slice of bread)
butterbutter 9k (stick of butter on a cutting board)
cheesecheese 14k (chunk of cheese)
cheeseburgercheeseburger 32k (cheeseburger or cheese soy burger)
chocolate_barchocolate_bar 7k (chocolate bar)
hotdogshotdogs 9k (pack of 4 hotdogs)
icecreamicecream 50k (icecream in a fancy dish)
icecream_sandwichicecream_sandwich 7k (icecream sandwich)
icecreamconeicecreamcone 28k (icecream cone)
ketchup_bottleketchup_bottle 22k (bottle of ketchup w/label)
milkbottlemilkbottle 11k (old glass style bottle of milk)